Big Grandma Not Big Any More

Sunday, October 30, 2005

I will be having WLS sugery on December 2, 2005.

My grandsons refer to me as Big Grandma. Their other grandma is as skinny as hell. Hate her body. When I phone my son's house and one of my grandson's answer the phone they yell out, "Big Grandma is on the phone!", or "Is this the Big Grandma or the Little Grandma?" It hurt, but they were only saying it like it is. Kid's are so innocently blunt. I would laugh but deep inside it hurt.

It hurt to sit on a chair and watch my grandson's play and not be able to sit on the floor with them. I often would fall asleep while watching them. My son actually took a picture of me sleeping in the living room with the boy's standing around my chair.

I've tried numerous diets. I walk at the municipal pool at least 3 to 5 times a week. I have diabetes, sleep apnea, congestive heart failure, and hypothyroid. I try and try to lose weight, lose a few and then gain it back plus a few. Last December 2004 I felt very strange and was having difficulty breathing. My husband took me to the doctor and he could not find a pulse. The rescue squad arrived, got me breathing again, rolled me unto this tiny gurney, and stuffed me in the back of the abulance. I was so big (382 lbs) that had hardly any room for the two paramedics working on me, so my husband was not allowed to ride with me to the hospital.

Got out of the hospital determined to drop some weight and get my act together. It was my third trip in the past ten years to the emergency room. What's that saying " 3 strikes then you out" ? Well, I've been on Medifast and now weigh 351 pounds. I went down to 343 and gained some weight back already. But I had already decided in December that I was going to have the WLS surgery, the Medifast was used to prepare me for surgery.

I have four friends who have had weight loss surgery. Three had theirs in November/December 2004 and the fourth Darcy almost two years ago. Out of the four Darcy had all kinds of complications. Visiting her scares the hell out of me. I'll write about her experience in another blog. She is my example of things not to do preop and post op WLS.

Will write again later this evening.


  • At 8:56 AM, Blogger Kaye Bailey said…

    Hi M. - You may be "Big Grandma", but to me you are BEAUTIFUL Grandma! I look forward to traveling the WLS journey with you. Bless you.



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